List your business

We have a range of business packages available to help you boost your listings on wildway.
Get in touch if you want to chat to us about any of the options.

Boost your business

Our price plans



per year

  • Map priority
  • Search priority
  • 50 word business description
  • Up to 5 images
  • wildway email support
  • Verified badge
  • Remove the option for users to edit your place



per year

  • All Bronze features
  • Higher map priority
  • Higher search priority
  • 100 word business description
  • Up to 10 images
  • User comment moderation input



per year

  • All Silver features
  • Highest map priority
  • Highest search priority
  • 150 word business description
  • Up to 15 images
  • Monthly reporting
  • Respond to comments


Get in touch

custom plans available

  • Any plan of your choice
  • Add unlimited places

Features explained

See the pricing table above for a list of features. If you need more info then just get in touch with us.

Map priority

While viewing our map view, only a certain amount of markers will show at once. As a user zooms in to a specific area, more markers will show there.

Having map priority will ensure that your marker is showing as often as possible. For example, if the map is showing your listing's location, there may be 50 other map markers showing that mean yours will be hidden until a user zooms futher into your location. However, with map priority, your marker is much more likely to be shown while the user is zoomed out.

If your marker is competing with other paid listings, then having a higher tier will help to show your listing over others. (Silver has higher priority than Bronze and Gold has the highest priority)

Showing how map priority works

Search priority

Search priority will help to ensure your listing appears closer to the top (if not the top) of the search results when users use our search feature.

Showing how map priority works

Add richer images and descriptions

Free listings and community added listings can feature a short descriptions and a single image of the place. Paid plans allow you to add ricer descriptions and more images to showcase what you have to offer

Images vector

Comment moderation and replies

The silver tier allows you to have some input on comment moderation.

Users can comment on your place to leave feedback or extra information for other users. We already moderate every comment we recieve to make sure that nothing hurtful can appear in the app. However this doesn't mean we don't allow negative comments.

With comment moderation input, you can ask us to remove any comments that you feel are unfair or inaccurate to make sure users dont get a false picture of your business.

The gold tier allows you to respond directly to comments. You can use this to say thanks, give out more info or anything else you might want to say.

Showing how map priority works

Monthly reporting

Get insights into how many users have seen your listing.

Our analytics show how many times your map marker has appeared, how many times users view your listing, how many times it's shared or liked and how many times it has been added to a users route.

Analytics illustration